I've been skulking around campus like an obnoxious person of mystery in sunglasses because I scratched my cornea two days ago. And because it hurts, I've been heading home early and missed the faculty bake-off yesterday and the reception to celebrate LV's tenure today... Boo.
But I love this part of the semester because students are working on their research projects and I love seeing how fired up that's getting people and all the ideas and connections that are taking off. Who knows where that will end. A paper on Baldwin's Sonny's Blues from last year's critical theory class just won first place in Sigma Tau Delta's (the English honorary society's) international convention that concluded in Pittsburgh last week!
Pic: At the WGS Symposium with one of my student's projects about rehabilitating body dysmorphia in dancers. Their point was that as dancers they always stare at themselves critically in the studio mirror so they wanted to use the mirror as a canvas to enable dancers to write empowering complimentary words for themselves and others.
And on compliments: A couple of weeks ago, when I gave the talk about the Trump administration's rhetoric, a student told me their friend who'd come to the talk with them had said that I was pretty and had terrific hair--I got so self-conscious, that instead of saying thank you and moving on, I blathered on about but did they like my talk. The next day, Lisa said something nice about my hair as well, and that weekend I reacted awkwardly when something similar happened. L's advice: "A simple thank you will suffice."